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➜ Running the server
➜ CopyOver QuickMud
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Posted by
| Stainless
(2 posts) Bio
| Sat 19 Oct 2019 10:42 PM (UTC) Amended on Mon 21 Oct 2019 02:17 PM (UTC) by Fiendish
| I had noticed a lot of folks including myself are stumped on getting copyover to work in QuickMud.. I compile with cygwin under windows 10. When I run the Copyover I get infinite loop which creates a HUGE log file.. I noticed Yosh conversed with you a bit until he got it to work.. I'm kinda stumped learning this stuff myself. But what I was able to piece together is this in Comm.C...
* Get the port number.
port = 7000;
wwwport = 7001;
if (argc > 1)
if (!is_number (argv[1]))
fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s [port #]\n", argv[0]);
exit (1);
else if ((port = atoi (argv[1])) <= 1024)
fprintf (stderr, "Port number must be above 1024.\n");
exit (1);
/* Are we recovering from a CopyOver? */
if (argv[3] && argv[3][0])
fCopyOver = TRUE;
control = atoi(argv[4]);
//wwwcontrol = init_socket( wwwport ); //lets comment this out for a bug test
fCopyOver = FALSE;
if (!fCopyOver) //--- we don't need to set the controls if its CopyOver
control = init_socket( port );
wwwcontrol = init_socket( wwwport );
* Run the game.
#if defined(macintosh) || defined(MSDOS)
qmconfig_read(); /* Here because it fits, no conflicts with Linux placement -- JR 05/06/01 */
boot_db ();
log_string ("WarpMud is ready to rock.");
game_loop_mac_msdos ();
#if defined(unix)
qmconfig_read(); /* Here so we can set the IP adress. -- JR 05/06/01 */
if (!fCopyOver)
control = init_socket ( wwwport );
boot_db ();
logfi ("WarpMud is ready to rock on port %d (%s).", wwwport, mud_ipaddress);
for( pArea = area_first; pArea; pArea = pArea->next )
save_area( pArea );
fprintf( stderr, "Conversions Complete.\n"
"Please recompile without -DBIT_COMPILE.\n" );
if (fCopyOver)
copyover_recover ();
game_loop_unix (control);
close (control);
* That's all, folks.
log_string ("Normal termination of game.");
exit (0);
return 0;
Do you see anything wrong with how I implemented the code? Sloppy of course but considering my C level of coding = Snippets level.. haha I'm learning though.. I have not compiled this yet just would like a programmer's opinion. I was trying to figure out how he defined the port and wwwport until I seen a little more of the code. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Mon 21 Oct 2019 07:08 AM (UTC) |
Stainless said:
When I run the Copyover I get infinite loop which creates a HUGE log file..
OK - what is in the log file? Not all of it, but I presume there are a lot of repeated lines. What do they say? (a sample) |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Fiendish
USA (2,534 posts) Bio
Global Moderator |
| Reply #2 on Mon 21 Oct 2019 02:18 PM (UTC) Amended on Mon 21 Oct 2019 02:48 PM (UTC) by Fiendish
Quote: Do you see anything wrong with how I implemented the code?
Yes, several things. I can't tell you what fixes to make unless you link to the original code and then clearly delineate which parts are your modifications, but here are the things I notice...
You check only if argc > 1 but then access argv at indices 3 and 4.
What is at argv[3][0]?
You call boot_db inside the arg parsing block, and then call it again immediately afterward in your #if blocks.
You don't `init_socket` or pass `control` into game_loop_mac_msdos.
First you set control = init_socket( port ) in your arg block and then you set control = init_socket ( wwwport ) in #if unix.
You never use wwwcontrol.
Quote: I was able to piece together is this in Comm.C...
The code you show here looks substatntially different from
Why? Based on what decisions? | | Top |
Posted by
| Stainless
(2 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Tue 29 Oct 2019 10:32 PM (UTC) |
| I found a new release of QuickMud. All is well. Thanks for your time! | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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