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➜ Running the server
➜ problem casting a spell
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Posted by
| Straud
(62 posts) Bio
| Fri 06 Jul 2001 03:21 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 06 Jul 2001 03:58 AM (UTC) by Straud
| Whenever I try to cast extradimensional portal it says you failed even though I'm 100% adept at it this goes for transport as well | Top |
Posted by
| Jaguar385
(16 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Wed 11 Jul 2001 10:41 PM (UTC) |
| I know the problem... I believe that some spells require a certain "power source" (As I've experianced in other MUDS) to be cast... i.e perhaps you would need a "Teleportation Leaf" (or whatnot, just made this up) to be able to conjure up the ability to use the teleport spell, as it is supposedly a very powerfull spell.
Like brewing a potion, you would need the correct ingrediants... well, of course, this is not a fact, but I believe that is why... but, unfortunately, I don't know the "power source", if there is one. | Top |
Posted by
| Kris
USA (198 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Wed 11 Jul 2001 10:55 PM (UTC) |
| I tested it out and found the same problem. After some experimentation, I found out why it's failing.
If you read the help file, you'll notice that you have to
cast 'portal' <victim>
If you merely cast portal, it'll say "You failed."
I loaded up a testchar, and tried "cast 'portal' testchar", and it worked: "You utter an incantation, and a portal forms in front of you!"
That will put a portal your room, as well as in the room of the victim. The portals will lead to one another. You can also cast a portal to a mob. However, you can't cast it to the mob by name, I have found. I.E. you can't "cast 'portal' lizard". If doing it with a mob as the victim, you need to use the vnum of the victim instead of its name. I.E. if the lizard is mob vnum 100 let's say (not room vnum mind you), then you would "cast 'portal' 100" and it would work.
I know that doesn't make much sense, as it's pretty obvious that the players wouldn't know what the vnums of the mobs are, let-alone what a vnum even is. Nonetheless, I hope that helps =) | Top |
Posted by
| Mademoiselle
Australia (35 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Sat 14 Jul 2001 02:33 AM (UTC) |
| An extradimensional portal is a very different thing to a portal to a person...
How much room do you have in your inventory? How much more weight can you carry? Check these using the 'score' command.
I'm pretty sure extradimensional portals will appear in your inventory, which of course won't work if you don't have room to carry it.
As for transport -- I've never used the spell, but if I take a guess here I'm going to assume that it transports and item from your inventory to another players' inventory. Check that the other player has got room for the object otherwise it won't work. Also, some rooms can be set so that items cannot be transported to/from them. Make sure neither of the players in question are in a room like this.
That's all I can think of right now. | Top |
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