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Adds a word to the user spell check dictionary


long AddSpellCheckWord(BSTR OriginalWord, BSTR ActionCode, BSTR ReplacementWord);

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This lets you add a word to the spell checker "user dictionary" from within a script.


result = AddSpellCheckWord (original_word, action, replacement)

original_word = word to match on

action = one of the following single characters (case-sensitive):

'a' = The word should be unconditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern as listed in the lexicon.

'A' = The word should be unconditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern of the original word.

'c' = The word should be conditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern as listed in the lexicon.

'C' = The word should be conditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern of the original word.

'e' = The word should be treated as misspelled by the spell checker, even if it is defined in other lexicons.

'i' = The word should be ignored (skipped) because it is considered correctly spelled.

replacement = the word to replace (or suggest a replacement for) the original word


AddSpellCheckWord ("foo", "A", "bar") --> convert "foo" to "bar"
AddSpellCheckWord ("colour", "i", "") --> "colour" is spelt correctly

Available in MUSHclient version 3.74 onwards.

VBscript example

AddSpellCheckWord "foo", "A", "bar"  ' convert "foo" to "bar"
AddSpellCheckWord "colour", "i", ""  ' "colour" is spelt correctly

Lua example

AddSpellCheckWord ("foo", "A", "bar")  --> convert "foo" to "bar"
AddSpellCheckWord ("colour", "i", "")  --> "colour" is spelt correctly

Lua notes

The third argument (replacement word) is optional and defaults to an empty string.

Return value

eSpellCheckNotActive - spell checker not enabled or could not be opened

eBadParameter -

original_word not supplied or too long (more than 63 characters); or
replacement word too long (more than 63 characters); or
error returned from spell-check engine

eUnknownOption - action code not in the above list

eOK - did it OK

View list of return code meanings

See Also ...


Spell checker


(SpellCheck) Spell checks an arbitrary string of text
(SpellCheckCommand) Spell checks the text in the command window
(SpellCheckDlg) Spell checks an arbitrary string of text, invloking the spell-checker dialog

(Help topic: function=AddSpellCheckWord)

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