Script function
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Spell checks an arbitrary string of text, invloking the spell-checker dialog
VARIANT SpellCheckDlg(BSTR Text);
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This function lets you call the MUSHclient spell-checker from a script on any arbitrary text string.
Note that if the spell-check engine has not been initialised (eg. the DLL is not present, or the spell check dictionary is not there), it returns the Empty variant (or nil in Lua).
You supply a string of text to be checked.
The corrected string is returned, after the spellchecker dialog box has been invoked, as many times as necessary, for each misspelt word. If the dialog box is canclled them the NULL variant (or nil in Lua) is returned.
Available in MUSHclient version 3.85 onwards.
VBscript example
result = SpellCheckDlg _
("Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the the wabe")
if IsEmpty (result) then
Note "Spell check cancelled"
Note "Corrected string: " & result
end if
Lua example
result = SpellCheckDlg (
"Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the the wabe")
print (type (result))
if result == nil then
Note "Spell check cancelled"
Note ("Corrected string: ", result)
end -- if
Return value
If the spell checker is not available, or if the spellcheck dialog box is cancelled, an Empty variant (or nil in Lua).
Otherwise, the supplied string is returned, with any misspelt words corrected.
See Also ...
Spell checker
(AddSpellCheckWord) Adds a word to the user spell check dictionary
(SpellCheck) Spell checks an arbitrary string of text
(SpellCheckCommand) Spell checks the text in the command window
(Help topic: function=SpellCheckDlg)