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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient

MUSHclient - FreeWare MUD client program.


Version 5.06 of MUSHclient now released.

Read the FAQ! ( If you are new to MUSHclient see the Getting Started part of the Forum.

See also:

Topic Description Posts Views
Announcements The latest news and updates for MUSHclient. 234 1,542,920
Beta testing Comments on beta-test versions of MUSHclient. 63 230,115
Bug reports Report MUSHclient bugs here. 5,575 16,176,039
Development For developers of the MUSHclient source code (the C++) code itself. 630 1,805,830
General If you can't work out how to get something to work properly, post your question here. 20,143 60,860,075
Getting Started Hints on getting started with MUSHclient. 235 978,925
International Localization of MUSHclient into languages other then English. 179 692,467
Jscript Scripting in Jscript. 659 2,332,412
Lua Scripting in Lua. 7,080 22,225,064
Miniwindows Miniwindows scripting. 1,755 5,162,043
MXP and Pueblo MUSHclient's implementation of support for Mud eXtension Protocol (MXP), and Pueblo-enabled servers. 548 1,875,327
Perlscript Scripting in Perlscript. 349 1,318,987
Plugins Plugins for MUSHclient. 4,903 15,678,567
Python Scripting in Python. 871 2,918,147
Suggestions Use this forum to make suggestions for future enhancements in MUSHclient. 4,391 13,224,690
Tips and tricks This forum describes tips, tricks, and other ideas for getting the most out of MUSHclient. 2,416 8,346,422
VBscript Scripting in VBscript. 2,900 9,596,503
Wine Using MUSHclient under Wine (Linux). 294 1,178,359

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