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MUSHclient scripting

Description of MUSHclient world function: world.GetPluginInfo

Name GetPluginInfo
Type Method
Summary Gets details about a specified plugin
Prototype VARIANT GetPluginInfo(BSTR PluginID, short InfoType);

Gets details about the specified plugin, identified by its unique ID.

You can obtain various "types" of information about the plugin by specifying an "InfoType".

If the InfoType given is out of range, NULL is returned. If the plugin does not exist, NULL is returned. (Use "IsNull" to test for this possibility).

You can obtain one of 25 "types" of information about the plugin by specifying an "InfoType". The possible InfoTypes are:

1: Name (string)
2: Author (string)
3: Description (long description) (string)
4: Script contents (string)
5: Script language (ie. vbscript, perlscript, jscript) (string)
6: Plugin file name (string)
7: Unique ID (string)
8: Purpose (short description) (string)
9: Number of triggers (long)
10: Number of aliases (long)
11: Number of timers (long)
12: Number of variables (long)
13: Date written (date)
14: Date modified (date)
15: Save state flag (boolean)
16: Scripting enabled? (boolean)
17: Enabled? (boolean)
18: Required MUSHclient version (double)
19: Version of plugin (double)
20: Directory that plugin resides in (string)
21: Evaluation order of plugin (long)
22: Date/time plugin installed (date)
23: During a CallPlugin call, the ID of the calling plugin (if any) (string)
24: Time spent on scripting in this plugin (seconds, double)
25: Plugin sequence number (short)

The evaluation order starts at 1, and increases by 1 for each plugin in the list of plugins (disabled or not).

Note: Available in version 3.23 onwards.

VBscript example
world.note world.GetPluginInfo (world.GetPluginID, 8)
Jscript example
world.note (world.GetPluginInfo (world.GetPluginID, 8));
PerlScript example
$world->note ($world->GetPluginInfo ($world->GetPluginID, 8));
Python example
world.note (world.GetPluginInfo (world.GetPluginID, 8))
Lua example
Note (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 8))
Returns The specified information about the plugin, as described above.
A NULL variant if the InfoType is not a valid type.
A NULL variant if the plugin is not installed.
Introduced in version 3.23

See also ...

Function Description
EnablePlugin Enables or disables the specified plugin
GetPluginID Returns the 24-character ID of the current plugin
GetPluginList Gets a list of installed plugins.
GetPluginName Returns the name of the current plugin
IsPluginInstalled Checks to see if a particular plugin is installed
LoadPlugin Loads a plugin from disk

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