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 Entire forum ➜ Dawn of Time ➜ Installing/compiling the server ➜ politics and mob prog 7402 and druid,spellficher

politics and mob prog 7402 and druid,spellficher

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Posted by Ronald   (47 posts)  Bio
Date Thu 28 Mar 2002 03:36 PM (UTC)
emm there is politics what is it exactly?and in mudschool mobprog 7402 should make the door closed after the character goes out from the room...but the prog doesnt close the door.any idea?
if i want to put druid and spellficher class later on and make them not selectable is there a chance any mage to get their spells?i mean if u take out class is it enough or should i take out skill and spells also?
i was ill for 1.5 weeks and had high i couldnt write any questions.but i am back with my questions.(grin)

Posted by Kalahn   United Kingdom  (138 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Fri 29 Mar 2002 11:27 AM (UTC)
>emm there is politics what is it exactly?
have you read the helps in politics.txt? It was a roleplaying thing some of the RP imms on dawn were running, nothing more and not supported by the code beyond a few mobprog hooks (ifhelp court). Just ignore it.

>and in mudschool mobprog 7402 should make the door closed >after the character goes out from the room...but the prog
>doesnt close the door.any idea?
I will make a note and it may be modified in the next area release.

>if i want to put druid and spellficher class later on and
>make them not selectable is there a chance any mage to get >their spells?i mean if u take out class is it enough or >should i take out skill and spells also?

class mage showspells

Any spell below the immortal level can be attained by players.

>i was ill for 1.5 weeks and had high i >couldnt write any questions.but i am back with my >questions.(grin)
Try and go easy on us ;)

Developer of the Dawn of Time codebase

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