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➜ Running the server
➜ A few bugs and questions on server
A few bugs and questions on server
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Posted by
| Denvar
(11 posts) Bio
| Tue 14 May 2002 02:32 PM (UTC) |
| Well first of all I'd like to say that tbis is one of the best programes i've found so far, although I do have a few queries/bugs which I hope you can help me with...
First this is a list of bugs saved in my services folder...
[*****] BUG: Save_god_level: fopen
[*****] BUG: fread_word: EOF encountered on read.
[*****] BUG: fread_number: EOF encountered on read.
[*****] BUG: fread_to_eol: EOF encountered on read.
[*****] BUG: Cannot load race file: Pixie.race
[*****] BUG: Cannot load race file: _Vampire_.race
[*****] BUG: Cannot load race file: Half-Ogre.race
[*****] BUG: Cannot load race file: Half-Troll.race
[*****] BUG: Cannot load race file: Lizardman.race
[*****] BUG: Cannot load race file: Sea-Elf.race
[*****] BUG: Cannot load race file: Gith.race
[*****] BUG: load_planes: can't open plane file for read.
Alot their i know, thats why im in desperate need in help lol.
Also i have just a few other questions,
1) How can I change characters stats/level/hp mana mv/name/class and race
2) How can I change the races/classes in the game.
3) How do I change the spells
4) While just testing the server with the pre-made areas i notice when i re-log it does save my progress but im back in the city, how can i change this to only do it in 1 of the games days
5) How do I change the time of the game, so it runs at a 3rd of normal daytime, so one day = 8 realtime hours
6) How do I change reset to 1 in-game day (so i can have monsters that respawn once a day, with unique items)
7) How, or is their a way to allow immortals to 'warp' themselves or others to different rooms (using vnum)
8) How can i (an immortal) spawn any creature or item to my inventory/room
9) When I try to make a new character now it says
Name: Illegal name, try another.
Name: Illegal name, try another.
10) This is it for this post, sorry for the ammount but I just want to be able to use this programe to its full ability, thnx for any help...
~Denvar (Dungeon Master) | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Wed 15 May 2002 02:25 AM (UTC) |
| Check out my SMAUG FAQ - that answers some of your questions.
For instance, to go to another room, use "goto vnum". |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Denvar
(11 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Wed 15 May 2002 05:17 PM (UTC) |
| Thanx, I have checked the FAQ and answered a few of my questions, but I still have a few more un-answered if you, or anyone else could help with...
1)The above bugs
2)How can I create new classes and races and dispose of some of the current ones?
3)How do I view/edit the spells and effects?
4) While just testing the server with the pre-made areas i notice when i re-log it does save my progress but im back in the city, how can i change this to only do it in 1 of the games days
5) How do I change the time of the game, so it runs at a 3rd of normal daytime, so one day = 8 realtime hours
6) How do I change reset to 1 in-game day (so i can have monsters that respawn once a day, with unique items)
7) How can i (an immortal) spawn any creature or item to my inventory/room
8) When I try to make a new character now it says
Enter your character's name, or type new: new
Illegal name, try another.
Name: Illegal name, try another.
Name: Illegal name, try another.
9) How do I change/restrict commands to certain levels?
10)Anyone know of a snippet or sumthing I can do so when u hit, rather the saying :Your slash *** ANNIHILATES *** a large rat! But says this : ==>You attack a(if mobe, if character no 'a') (victim) with your (weapon) for (damage) points of damage!
when you kill : ==>You attack a(if mob, if character no 'a') (victim) with your (weapon) for (damage)points of damage, killing it! (if kill)
10)A snippet that will cancel out the 'flee' option, so if u hit sumthin you can move ot a new room without fleeing...
Thats all for now, thnx for any help
~Denvar (Dungeon master) | Top |
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