| I posted this a while ago on the Arduino forum, and thought I should probably document it here as well, because it will have fallen into the "old posts" list by now.
MIDI hardware
MIDI interfaces (excepting the USB ones) use serial data at 31250 baud. The Arduino can easily send and receive at that rate, even using SoftwareSerial.
Electrically, MIDI is current (not voltage) driven, so to read it you need to use an opto-coupler (see for details). In particular shows details of the opto-coupler connections.
My own circuit was:
The resistors on the opto-coupler are slightly different based on discussions in the Arduino forum.
MIDI messages
See the MIDI site for details about the format of MIDI messages. MIDI messages basically start with a status (command) byte which has the high-order bit set (ie. 0x80 to 0xFF).
They are typically followed by one or two more bytes with the high-order bit clear.
For example, "Channel 1 note on" is 0x90 followed by the note number and velocity.
Channel-oriented commands have the channel number in the low-order bits. So for example, 0x91 is "Channel 2 note on", 0x92 is "Channel 3 note on" and so on.
Running Status
To save space, if you are sending the same command multiple times, it can be omitted.
For example:
That is "Channel 1 note on" (0x90) followed by note 1, velocity 2, and then note 8, velocity 9. This lets you send a chord without having to repeat the "note on" command for each note in the chord.
Also, to lever off this, if you send a "note on" with a velocity of zero, that is considered to be the same as "note off" so it is possible to turn notes on and off without changing the command (status) byte.
Code to decode MIDI
// MIDI_decoder
// Author: Nick Gammon
// Date: 11th April 2012.
// Version: 1.2
// Released into the public domain.
// Version 1.1: Amended to allow for repeated parameters to the same channel message
// eg. 0x90 0x45 0x46 0x47 0x48 does a "note on" for two notes
// Version 1.2: Removed "repeating" for system messages.
// Version 1.3: Amended to allow for RealTime messages to be ignored
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Streaming.h>
// Plug MIDI into pin D2 (MIDI in serial)
SoftwareSerial midi (2, 3); // Rx, Tx
#define MESSAGE(which, desc) const char control_ ## which [] PROGMEM = desc;
MESSAGE (0, "Bank Select (MSB)");
MESSAGE (1, "Modulation Wheel or Lever (MSB)");
MESSAGE (2, "Breath Controller (MSB)");
MESSAGE (3, "Undefined (MSB)");
MESSAGE (4, "Foot Controller (MSB)");
MESSAGE (5, "Portamento Time (MSB)");
MESSAGE (6, "Data Entry (MSB) (MSB)");
MESSAGE (7, "Channel Volume (formerly Main Volume) (MSB)");
MESSAGE (8, "Balance (MSB)");
MESSAGE (9, "Undefined:9 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (10, "Pan (MSB)");
MESSAGE (11, "Expression Controller (MSB)");
MESSAGE (12, "Effect Control 1 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (13, "Effect Control 2 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (14, "Undefined (MSB)");
MESSAGE (15, "Undefined (MSB)");
MESSAGE (16, "General Purpose Controller 1 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (17, "General Purpose Controller 2 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (18, "General Purpose Controller 3 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (19, "General Purpose Controller 4 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (20, "Undefined:20 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (21, "Undefined:21 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (22, "Undefined:22 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (23, "Undefined:23 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (24, "Undefined:24 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (25, "Undefined:25 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (26, "Undefined:26 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (27, "Undefined:27 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (28, "Undefined:28 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (29, "Undefined:29 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (30, "Undefined:30 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (31, "Undefined:31 (MSB)");
MESSAGE (32, "Bank Select (LSB)");
MESSAGE (33, "Modulation Wheel or Lever (LSB)");
MESSAGE (34, "Breath Controller (LSB)");
MESSAGE (35, "Undefined:35 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (36, "Foot Controller (LSB)");
MESSAGE (37, "Portamento Time (LSB)");
MESSAGE (38, "Data Entry (LSB)");
MESSAGE (39, "Channel Volume, formerly Main Volume (LSB)");
MESSAGE (40, "Balance (LSB)");
MESSAGE (41, "Undefined:41 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (42, "Pan (LSB)");
MESSAGE (43, "Expression Controller (LSB)");
MESSAGE (44, "Effect control 1 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (45, "Effect control 2 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (46, "Undefined:46 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (47, "Undefined:47 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (48, "General Purpose Controller 1 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (49, "General Purpose Controller 2 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (50, "General Purpose Controller 3 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (51, "General Purpose Controller 4 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (52, "Undefined:52 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (53, "Undefined:53 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (54, "Undefined:54 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (55, "Undefined:55 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (56, "Undefined:56 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (57, "Undefined:57 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (58, "Undefined:58 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (59, "Undefined:59 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (60, "Undefined:60 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (61, "Undefined:61 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (62, "Undefined:62 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (63, "Undefined:63 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (64, "Damper Pedal on/off (Sustain): < 64 is off, otherwise on");
MESSAGE (65, "Portamento On/Off: < 64 is off, otherwise on");
MESSAGE (66, "Sostenuto On/Off: < 64 is off, otherwise on");
MESSAGE (67, "Soft Pedal On/Off: < 64 is off, otherwise on");
MESSAGE (68, "Legato Footswitch: < 64 is Normal, otherwise Legato");
MESSAGE (69, "Hold 2: < 64 is off, otherwise on");
MESSAGE (70, "Sound Controller 1 (default: Sound Variation) (LSB)");
MESSAGE (71, "Sound Controller 2 (default: Timbre/Harmonic Intens.) (LSB)");
MESSAGE (72, "Sound Controller 3 (default: Release Time) (LSB)");
MESSAGE (73, "Sound Controller 4 (default: Attack Time) (LSB)");
MESSAGE (74, "Sound Controller 5 (default: Brightness) (LSB)");
MESSAGE (75, "Sound Controller 6 (default: Decay Time - see MMA RP-021) (LSB)");
MESSAGE (76, "Sound Controller 7 (default: Vibrato Rate - see MMA RP-021) (LSB)");
MESSAGE (77, "Sound Controller 8 (default: Vibrato Depth - see MMA RP-021) (LSB)");
MESSAGE (78, "Sound Controller 9 (default: Vibrato Delay - see MMA RP-021) (LSB)");
MESSAGE (79, "Sound Controller 10 (default undefined - see MMA RP-021) (LSB)");
MESSAGE (80, "General Purpose Controller 5 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (81, "General Purpose Controller 6 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (82, "General Purpose Controller 7 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (83, "General Purpose Controller 8 (LSB)");
MESSAGE (84, "Portamento Control (LSB)");
MESSAGE (85, "Undefined:85");
MESSAGE (86, "Undefined:86");
MESSAGE (87, "Undefined:87");
MESSAGE (88, "High Resolution Velocity Prefix (LSB)");
MESSAGE (89, "Undefined:89");
MESSAGE (90, "Undefined:90");
MESSAGE (91, "Effects 1 Depth");
MESSAGE (92, "Effects 2 Depth (formerly Tremolo Depth)");
MESSAGE (93, "Effects 3 Depth");
MESSAGE (94, "Effects 4 Depth (formerly Celeste [Detune] Depth)");
MESSAGE (95, "Effects 5 Depth (formerly Phaser Depth)");
MESSAGE (96, "Data Increment (Data Entry +1) (see MMA RP-018)");
MESSAGE (97, "Data Decrement (Data Entry -1) (see MMA RP-018)");
MESSAGE (98, "Non-Registered Parameter Number (NRPN) - (LSB)");
MESSAGE (99, "Non-Registered Parameter Number (NRPN) - (MSB)");
MESSAGE (100, "Registered Parameter Number (RPN) - (LSB)");
MESSAGE (101, "Registered Parameter Number (RPN) - (MSB)");
MESSAGE (102, "Undefined:102");
MESSAGE (103, "Undefined:103");
MESSAGE (104, "Undefined:104");
MESSAGE (105, "Undefined:105");
MESSAGE (106, "Undefined:106");
MESSAGE (107, "Undefined:107");
MESSAGE (108, "Undefined:108");
MESSAGE (109, "Undefined:109");
MESSAGE (110, "Undefined:110");
MESSAGE (111, "Undefined:111");
MESSAGE (112, "Undefined:112");
MESSAGE (113, "Undefined:113");
MESSAGE (114, "Undefined:114");
MESSAGE (115, "Undefined:115");
MESSAGE (116, "Undefined:116");
MESSAGE (117, "Undefined:117");
MESSAGE (118, "Undefined:118");
MESSAGE (119, "Undefined:119");
MESSAGE (120, "All Sound Off");
MESSAGE (121, "Reset All Controllers");
MESSAGE (122, "Local Control On/Off: 0 off, 127 on");
MESSAGE (123, "All Notes Off");
MESSAGE (124, "Omni Mode Off (+ all notes off)");
MESSAGE (125, "Omni Mode On (+ all notes off)");
MESSAGE (126, "Mono Mode On (+ poly off, + all notes off)");
MESSAGE (127, "Poly Mode On (+ mono off, +all notes off)");
const char * const messagesTable [128] PROGMEM =
control_0, control_1, control_2, control_3, control_4,
control_5, control_6, control_7, control_8, control_9,
control_10, control_11, control_12, control_13, control_14,
control_15, control_16, control_17, control_18, control_19,
control_20, control_21, control_22, control_23, control_24,
control_25, control_26, control_27, control_28, control_29,
control_30, control_31, control_32, control_33, control_34,
control_35, control_36, control_37, control_38, control_39,
control_40, control_41, control_42, control_43, control_44,
control_45, control_46, control_47, control_48, control_49,
control_50, control_51, control_52, control_53, control_54,
control_55, control_56, control_57, control_58, control_59,
control_60, control_61, control_62, control_63, control_64,
control_65, control_66, control_67, control_68, control_69,
control_70, control_71, control_72, control_73, control_74,
control_75, control_76, control_77, control_78, control_79,
control_80, control_81, control_82, control_83, control_84,
control_85, control_86, control_87, control_88, control_89,
control_90, control_91, control_92, control_93, control_94,
control_95, control_96, control_97, control_98, control_99,
control_100, control_101, control_102, control_103, control_104,
control_105, control_106, control_107, control_108, control_109,
control_110, control_111, control_112, control_113, control_114,
control_115, control_116, control_117, control_118, control_119,
control_120, control_121, control_122, control_123, control_124,
control_125, control_126, control_127
}; // end of messagesTable
const int noRunningStatus = -1;
int runningStatus;
unsigned long lastRead;
byte lastCommand;
void setup() {
// Set MIDI baud rate:
Serial.println ();
Serial.println (F("MIDI Decoder. Author: Nick Gammon."));
runningStatus = noRunningStatus;
} // end of setup
void RealTimeMessage (const byte msg)
} // end of RealTimeMessage
// get next byte from serial (blocks)
int getNext ()
if (runningStatus != noRunningStatus)
int c = runningStatus;
// finished with look ahead
runningStatus = noRunningStatus;
return c;
while (true)
while (midi.available () == 0)
byte c = ();
if (c >= 0xF8) // RealTime messages
RealTimeMessage (c);
return c;
} // end of getNext
const char * notes [] = { "C ", "C#", "D ", "D#", "E ", "F ", "F#", "G ", "G#", "A ", "A#", "B " };
// interpret a note in terms of note name and octave
const char * getNote ()
byte note = getNext ();
byte octave = note / 12;
Serial << notes [note % 12] << F("(") << _DEC (octave - 1) << F(")");
return " ";
} // end of getNote
// dump a system exclusive message in hex
void showSystemExclusive ()
int count = 0;
while (true)
while (midi.available () == 0)
byte c = ();
if (c >= 0x80)
Serial << endl;
runningStatus = c;
Serial << _HEX (c) << " ";
if (++count > 32)
Serial << endl;
count = 0;
} // end of reading until all system exclusive done
} // end of showSystemExclusive
/* Print a string from Program Memory directly to save RAM */
void printProgStr (const char * str)
char c;
if(!str) return;
while((c = pgm_read_byte(str++)))
} // end of printProgStr
// show a control message by looking up in the table
void showControlMessage ()
byte message = getNext () & 0x7F;
byte param = getNext ();
// get address from progmem, display each byte
printProgStr ((const char *) pgm_read_word(&(messagesTable[message])));
// show parameter in hex
Serial << ": 0x" << _HEX (param) << endl;
} // end of showControlMessage
void loop()
byte c = getNext ();
if (((c & 0x80) == 0) && (lastCommand & 0x80))
runningStatus = c;
c = lastCommand;
// channel is in low order bits
int channel = (c & 0x0F) + 1;
// show time since last message in microseconds
char buf [15];
ltoa (micros () - lastRead, buf, 10);
byte spaces = 10 - strlen (buf);
for (byte i = 0; i < spaces; i++)
Serial << " ";
// show elapsed time
Serial << buf << ": ";
lastRead = micros ();
// messages start with high-order bit set
if (c & 0x80)
lastCommand = c;
switch ((c >> 4) & 0x07)
case 0:
Serial << F("Note off channel = ") << channel << F(", note = ") << getNote () << F(", velocity = ") << getNext () << endl;
case 1:
Serial << F("Note on channel = ") << channel << F(", note = ") << getNote () << F(", velocity = ") << getNext () << endl;
case 2:
Serial << F("Polyphonic pressure channel = ") << channel << F(", note = ") << getNote () << F(", pressure = ") << getNext () << endl;
case 3:
Serial << F("Control change channel = ") << channel << ", ";
showControlMessage ();
case 4:
Serial << F("Program change channel = ") << channel << F(", program = ") << getNext () << endl;
case 5:
Serial << F("After-touch pressure channel = ") << channel << F(", value = ") << getNext () << endl;
case 6:
Serial << F("Pitch wheel change channel = ") << channel << F(", value = ") << (getNext () | getNext () << 7) << endl;
case 7: // system message
lastCommand = 0; // these won't repeat I don't think
Serial << "System: ";
switch (c & 0x0F)
case 0:
Serial << F("Exclusive (in hex)") << F(", vendor ID = ") << getNext () << endl;
showSystemExclusive ();
case 1:
Serial << F("Time code: value/type = ") << getNext () << endl;
case 2:
Serial << F("Song position pointer, value = ") << (getNext () | getNext () << 7) << endl;
case 3:
Serial << F("Song select, song = ") << getNext () << endl;
case 4:
Serial << F("Reserved (4)") << endl;
case 5:
Serial << F("Reserved (5)") << endl;
case 6:
Serial << F("Tune request") << endl;
case 7:
Serial << F("End of exclusive") << endl;
case 8:
Serial << F("Timing clock") << endl;
case 9:
Serial << F("Reserved (9)") << endl;
case 10:
Serial << F("Start") << endl;
case 11:
Serial << F("Continue") << endl;
case 12:
Serial << F("Stop") << endl;
case 13:
Serial << F("Reserved (13)") << endl;
case 14:
Serial << F("Active sensing") << endl;
case 15:
Serial << F("Reset") << endl;
} // end of switch on system message
} // end system message
} // end of switch
} // end of if
Serial << _HEX(c) << endl;
} // end of loop
The code uses the Streaming library to simplify serial output.
Example output
1191616: Control change channel = 1, General Purpose Controller 1 (MSB): 0x40
5532: Note off channel = 1, note = D (5) , velocity = 99
2740: Note on channel = 1, note = E (0) , velocity = 127
4528: Note on channel = 1, note = D (4) , velocity = 63
46184: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 31
15328: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 127
29776: Note off channel = 1, note = D (5) , velocity = 64
5708: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 49
10664: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 18
13256: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 9
Change instruments:
1115248: Control change channel = 1, Bank Select (MSB): 0x3F
1964: Control change channel = 1, Bank Select (LSB): 0x4
2064: Program change channel = 1, program = 42
3832: System: Exclusive (in hex), vendor ID = 66
30 7A 40 0 0 44 61 6E 63 65 20 4C 0 65 61 64 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 A 3C 0 30 14 50 27 0 14 5F
48 2 14 2 28 19 55 0 31 40 2 20 0 40 0 7F 7F 4E 23 0 40
Another tune:
486436: Note off channel = 1, note = C (4) , velocity = 64
2036: Note on channel = 1, note = G (4) , velocity = 105
2120: Note off channel = 1, note = D (4) , velocity = 114
4532: Note on channel = 1, note = A#(3) , velocity = 105
75416: Note off channel = 1, note = A (3) , velocity = 64
6988: Note off channel = 1, note = F (4) , velocity = 64
503724: Note on channel = 1, note = A (4) , velocity = 102
2120: Note on channel = 1, note = E (4) , velocity = 117
2212: Note on channel = 1, note = C (4) , velocity = 99
4444: Note on channel = 1, note = B (3) , velocity = 99
10344: Note off channel = 1, note = B (3) , velocity = 0
76212: Note off channel = 1, note = D (4) , velocity = 64
2036: Note off channel = 1, note = A#(3) , velocity = 64
41684: Note off channel = 1, note = G (4) , velocity = 64
872724: Note off channel = 1, note = C (4) , velocity = 64
147928: Note off channel = 1, note = A (4) , velocity = 64
Pitch wheel changes:
136802728: Note on channel = 1, note = D#(4) , velocity = 111
24208: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 0
106028: Pitch wheel change channel = 1, value = 9560
13056: Pitch wheel change channel = 1, value = 16383
133788: Note off channel = 1, note = D#(4) , velocity = 64
19176: Pitch wheel change channel = 1, value = 16045
11352: Pitch wheel change channel = 1, value = 12053
11644: Pitch wheel change channel = 1, value = 8192
72888: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 0
94608: Note on channel = 1, note = G#(4) , velocity = 105
217200: Note off channel = 1, note = G#(4) , velocity = 64
8080: Note on channel = 1, note = A#(4) , velocity = 105
38220: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 6
11336: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 127
35416: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 42
11356: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 0
34140: Note off channel = 1, note = A#(4) , velocity = 64
264208: Note on channel = 1, note = C#(5) , velocity = 102
244728: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 5
13324: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 21
11352: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 42
15388: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 0
11360: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 80
11624: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 101
11080: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 127
404408: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 42
11060: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 3
15400: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 0
144136: Note off channel = 1, note = C#(5) , velocity = 64
4180: Note on channel = 1, note = A#(4) , velocity = 99
52116: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 15
9592: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 21
13120: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 2
11332: After-touch pressure channel = 1, value = 0
64000: Note off channel = 1, note = A#(4) , velocity = 64
204316: Note on channel = 1, note = G#(4) , velocity = 96
The above code demonstrated: |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |