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 Entire forum ➜ Dawn of Time ➜ Installing/compiling the server ➜ Binary


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Posted by Stragen   (6 posts)  Bio
Date Sun 28 Mar 2004 12:36 AM (UTC)
I downloaded the precompiled Binary for DoT, as well as the Support files, and when it runs it looks as if it's processing, but then it closes.

Posted by Stragen   (6 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Tue 30 Mar 2004 08:06 AM (UTC)
So to re word this...anyone have any idea why/how this can be prevented?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #2 on Wed 31 Mar 2004 06:33 AM (UTC)
Does it give a message? Did you read the "setup" pages on this forum for getting DoT to work? There was a bit of mucking around with "extra" support files if this is your first install.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Stragen   (6 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Wed 31 Mar 2004 09:14 AM (UTC)
Well, I was trying to use q because in the 1.69r dowload dir I couldn't find the binary, and still can't. Based on your directions (thanks for them, by the way), I downloaded the src and support, and several things did I notice.,, etc, I didn't have them and have no idea where to get them, and I didn't understand "Compile DOT in the source directory (see another post for more details about this)
Run "./dawn 2" " really, probably mainly because I couldn't find that other post you referred to. Ar, so what do I do?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #4 on Wed 31 Mar 2004 09:53 PM (UTC)
The help and other files now seem to be packaged into the downloadable file:


(or dawn1.69q-support.tgz for the "q" release).

If you have the binary you don't need to compile. I'm not sure if you need Cygwin, but the ./dawn 2 means to have a command window (eg. Cygwin or a "console" window) and execute dawn with the argument "2".

This initialises it.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Stragen   (6 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Thu 01 Apr 2004 09:48 AM (UTC)
Well, I installed everything with the support zip, but the problem now is that I still don't have many of the required folders. Even those I do have don't have all of the ones the image you supplied says it should, also. area has everything. I don't have either of the "bak" folders. Didn't have data, logs, notes, player, or scripts. And with system I had the basic system/ dir, but not /classes, /deities, or /races. Sorry for being such a pain here, aye. But thankeh again for this help.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Fri 02 Apr 2004 10:57 PM (UTC)
It worked pretty well for me. I downloaded 2 files:


I unzipped the "support" file into my H: disk, getting a folder dawn1.69q with three folders: area, help, system.

I then unzipped the "bin" file and copied the file dawn.exe into that folder (dawn1.69q).

I then started a "command" window (DOS window), navigated to the dawn1.69 folder in my H: drive, and typed "dawn 2".

This is what I saw ...

H:\dawn1.69q>dawn 2
-= The Dawn of Time (Win32c++) was last compiled on Jun  1 2002 at 19:02:18 =-
-= Parent codebase version Dawn 1.69q - 1June02:
:: Reading in game settings from gameset.txt...
:: File 'gameset.txt' not found, cancelled gio list loading.
:: *************************************************************************
Gamesettings file 'gameset.txt' was not found - creating empty file then
reloading it to get default settings.
:: gio_generic_loadlist() reading in from gameset.txt...
:: Finished gio_generic_loadlist [1].
:: Allocated 3670016 bytes for string storage.  (MAX_STRING setting)
:: Starting gio_generic_savelist to gameset.txt.write.
:: GIOBACKUP: Renaming old gameset.txt to gameset.txt.giobak
:: Renaming new gameset.txt.write to gameset.txt
:: Finished gio_generic_savelist [1].
Apr 03 08:49:25:: start in directory create mode
  >=  The Dawn of Time (Win32 server build) is starting up on port     2. =<
  >=  IRC gateway port on     2.                                          =<
creating dir area\ril\       - used for 'area Room Invite List files'
creating dir bak_area\       - used for 'backup area files'
creating dir bak_area\ril\   - used for 'backup area Room Invite List files'
creating dir bak_help\       - used for 'backup help files'
creating dir logs\           - used for 'logfiles root dir'
creating dir logs\olc\       - used for 'logdir: olc related logs'
creating dir logs\code\      - used for 'logdir: code related logs'
creating dir logs\admin\     - used for 'logdir: admin related logs'
creating dir logs\plogs\     - used for 'logdir: player logs'
creating dir logs\rstrlogs\  - used for 'logdir: restring logs'
creating dir logs\channels\  - used for 'logdir: channel logs'
creating dir logs\support\   - used for 'logdir: support related logs'
creating dir logs\game\      - used for 'logdir: game logs (yymmdd.log)'
creating dir logs\immlogs\   - used for 'logdir: imm logs'
creating dir data\           - used for 'mud dynamic data directory'
creating dir system\classes\ - used for 'output from 'class makealltables''
creating dir system\deities\ - used for 'contains all the deity info.'
creating dir scripts\        - used for 'contains all the scripts runable with t
he script system'
creating dir notes\          - used for 'notes directory'
creating dir player\         - used for 'player files'
creating dir player\retired\ - used for 'retired imms/heros directory'
creating dir player\remort\  - used for 'Backup pfiles of players just before th
ey begin remort.'
creating dir player\locked\  - used for 'pfiles requiring an email unlock code'
creating dir player\builder\ - used for 'pfiles of those with olc access'
creating dir player\trusted\ - used for 'pfiles of mortals with immortal trust'
creating dir player\immortal\ - used for 'pfiles of immortal characters'
creating dir player\dead\    - used for 'Pkilled pfiles'
creating dir player\deleted\ - used for 'Pfiles of deleters above lvl 5'
creating dir msp\            - used for 'msp base directory - should be a link t
o the base webpage url'
creating dir msp\action\     - used for 'msp action sounds directory'
creating dir msp\combat\     - used for 'msp combat sounds directory'
creating dir msp\mobprog\    - used for 'msp mobprog sounds directory - sounds c
alled from mprogs'
creating dir msp\room\       - used for 'msp room sounds directory'
creating dir msp\skills\     - used for 'msp skills sounds directory'
creating dir msp\spells\     - used for 'msp spells sounds directory'
creating dir msp\weather\    - used for 'msp weather sounds directory'
:: Directory creation completed successfully...
Start the mud like normal now to continue.

That looked OK - it made a whole lot more directories, like it was supposed to.

Now I typed "dawn" on its own ...

-= The Dawn of Time (Win32c++) was last compiled on Jun  1 2002 at 19:02:18 =-
-= Parent codebase version Dawn 1.69q - 1June02:
:: Reading in game settings from gameset.txt...
:: gio_generic_loadlist() reading in from gameset.txt...
:: Finished gio_generic_loadlist [1].
:: Game settings for The Dawn of Time 1.69 successfully loaded.
:: Allocated 3670016 bytes for string storage.  (MAX_STRING setting)
Apr 03 08:49:35:: Starting gio_generic_savelist to gameset.txt.write.
:: GIOBACKUP: Renaming old gameset.txt to gameset.txt.giobak
:: Renaming new gameset.txt.write to gameset.txt
:: Finished gio_generic_savelist [1].
  >=  The Dawn of Time (Win32 server build) is starting up on port  4000. =<
  >=  IRC gateway port on  4000.                                          =<

... a heap more messages here ...

:: Starting gio_generic_savelist to system\races.txt.write.
:: GIOBACKUP: Renaming old system\races.txt to system\races.txt.giobak
:: Renaming new system\races.txt.write to system\races.txt
:: Finished gio_generic_savelist [59].
:: ===Races saved.
-= The Dawn of Time (Win32c++) was last compiled on Jun  1 2002 at 19:02:18 =-
-= Parent codebase version Dawn 1.69q - 1June02:

:: We are running on nick.
:: The current working directory is H:\dawn1.69q.
:: The hostname/ident resolver is not currently running.
:: PlatformID: WindowsNT v4.0.1381 [Service Pack 6]
:: The Dawn of Time 1.69 on nick is ready to rock on port 4000.
:: Free stringspace =636024.
:: Updating Areas

It all looks OK. Then I connected OK to it with MUSHclient.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Wraithian   USA  (16 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Thu 20 Jan 2005 12:17 PM (UTC)
As per the instructions (somewhere on the Dawn of Time website), you need to
./dawn --createdirs
This sets up the required directories for Dawn. The syntax may vary slightly under Windows (dawn --createdirs, without the ./)

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