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Posted by
| Viruz
(19 posts) Bio
| Fri 08 Feb 2002 07:45 AM (UTC) |
| I know I am a pain in the arse, but I am so excited about this code that I come up with new questions all the time.
OpenBSD 3.0
Want to start dot at boot.
Dot does not want to be run as root(understandable)
I need a solution to have dot start as username "mud" using the bootmud script from the dot site. or whatever you can recommend.
| Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Fri 08 Feb 2002 09:01 PM (UTC) |
| I think you can do that with "su". Set up the user "mud" and then use su to start dawn as that user.
BTW - in case you haven't noticed, dawn has a "pipe" command that lets you execute arbitrary OS commands. Thus running it as root would be a very bad idea.
Because of that I have set up a "chroot jail" for running Dawn under OpenBSD. Whether it is totally secure I am not sure, but I think it is more secure than doing nothing.
If anyone is interested I can post the technique. Basically it involves setting up a pseudo-root directory, with only enough files to run dawn. Thus, even if someone somehow gets admin access (eg. by guessing a password) and then running a "pipe" command, the damage they can do is limited to the command you put in the "jail" environment (eg. only things like ls). |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Viruz
(19 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Fri 08 Feb 2002 10:31 PM (UTC) |
| Nick I don't think that's what I meant
What I would like to do is add a reference to bootmud to rc.local to have it start at boot time.
automagically.. rc.local won't seem to boot the mud so what's next? | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #3 on Sat 09 Feb 2002 10:43 AM (UTC) |
| Hmmm - you haven't said in what way it didn't work, but here is stuff I got going (I think) for junkbuster, I imagine you can use similar stuff for DoT ...
This is in rc.local, and I set up a special user called "junkbuster" for this purpose:
# Junkbuster proxy server
if [ -x /usr/sbin/junkbuster ]; then
echo 'starting junkbuster ...'
su junkbstr -c 'nohup /usr/sbin/junkbuster /etc/junkbuster/config > /dev/null &'
Modify that slightly to change the user to "mud" and add the appropriate path to the mud server, and it should work. Something like this, although I haven't tested it ...
# Start Dawn Of Time
if [ -x /home/nick/dot/dawn ]; then
echo 'starting DoT ...'
su mud -c 'nohup /home/nick/dot/dawn > /dev/null &'
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Sangenfant
USA (2 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Sat 20 Jul 2002 05:04 AM (UTC) |
| Ok, I used the same script that you said for junkbuster, but I changed it a bit to go into a logfile, the problem is, it still directs the output to the screen. I know this probably sounds like a typical newbie problem, but I've just changed it from '/dev/null' to '/muds/logfiles/logfile.log' and it doesn't seem to work well. Any help would be appreciated. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #5 on Sat 20 Jul 2002 07:29 AM (UTC) Amended on Wed 24 Sep 2003 01:23 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| This is what I have under OpenBSD ...
In rc.local (I am running it under user nick):
# Dawn Of Time - (need bash for the stderr redirection)
echo 'Starting DoT ...'
sudo -u nick /usr/local/bin/bash -c '/mudroot/dot/chroot_jail/startdawn'
The file /mudroot/dot/chroot_jail/startdawn:
# cannot run from chroot area - switch to my home directory
cd ~nick
# now run it
./runchroot &> dawn.log &
The program runchroot:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <paths.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <err.h>
runchroot - Program to run a MUD from a chroot jail
Author: Nick Gammon
Date: 16 Apr 2002
To compile: gcc runchroot.c -o runchroot
Then, as root: chown root runchroot
chmod u+s runchroot
#define NEWROOT "/mudroot" // new root directory
#define STARTDIR "/dot" // where MUD is within new root
char * args [] = { "./dawn", NULL }; // program to run, null argument list
main(int argc, char **argv)
// Change to new root directory, and chroot to it
if (chdir(NEWROOT) || chroot("."))
err(1, "%s", argv[0]);
// switch to actual user id (not root)
setuid (getuid ());
// change to required directory in new root
if (chdir(STARTDIR))
err(1, "%s", argv[0]);
// execute the requested program
execvp(args[0], &args[0]);
// shouldn't return, error if we do
err(1, "%s", args[0]);
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #6 on Sat 20 Jul 2002 07:31 AM (UTC) |
| However the simple solution might be to just modify your script to redirect &> rather than >. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Kalahn
United Kingdom (138 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Tue 23 Jul 2002 09:44 PM (UTC) Amended on Tue 23 Jul 2002 09:48 PM (UTC) by Kalahn
| I normally just use a crontab job setup under the mud account you want to use.
Say you have an account called dawn to run the mud under.
Login as dawn.
mkdir bin (to create ~/bin)
cd bin (change into the bin dir)
create a file based on the one shown below in the bin dir.
crontab -e (to edit your crontab)
*/5 * * * * ~/bin/ (add this line in the editor then exit)
That above line in your crontab, will run the script every 5 minutes... if the mud is down it will automatically be rebooted.
Below is the script, you will need to change the port number and directories.
- Kalahn
Developer of the Dawn of Time Codebase.
cat ~/bin/
# Version 1.1 #
# Created: Jun 28, 1997 Kalahn@dawnoftime #
# Last Modified: 18 March 2001 #
# This is a pretty simple script that checks to see if a mud is running #
# properly. Be sure to change the 'important vars' section. The best #
# idea is to run this script from cron every couple of minutes... That #
# way you can be sure that it stays running.
# You probably should stop using startup as a script and delete it.
# Here's how to do it...
# 1) Make sure to edit the file and insert your values at
# the top.
# 2) Edit your crontab file, type crontab -e, it's a vi editor.
# 3) Put the following line as your crontab script:
# */8 * * * * /home/dawn/bin/
# 4) Make sure to change the directory in the above line as needed.
# #
# v 1.0, Jun 28, 1997 Written by Jared Proudfoot #
# <> #
# v 1.1, Mar 18, 2001 Customised for Dawn of time - Kalahn #
# Define the important vars #
# #
# Define the host and port number where the mud resides. #
$server = "localhost";
$port = "1111";
# $string is the string of characters we will look for upon connecting. #
# If we connect, but don't see this string, we will assume the mud #
# isn't responding (locked up?) and we'll restart it. The string #
# *must* be on the first line after connect.
# You may enter this as a regexp if you wish. #
$replyString = ".+";
# How long do we wait before we connect timeout (in seconds)? #
$timeOut = "60";
# What to execute if we need to restart the mud. Please include the #
# FULL path. #
$exec = "ulimit -c unlimited ; /home/mf/dot/dawn";
# Path where you want the mud logs to be kept.
$logdir = "/home/mf/dot/logs/game";
# Path where we should start the mud from. #
$startPath = "/home/mf/dot";
# That's it. You shouldn't need to change anything after this line. #
# What do we need to use?
use Socket;
require 5.003;
# Main #
if (&connect_server == 0) {
# If we couldn't connect, try and restart. #
print ("Connection to $server on port $port failed or timed out after $timeOut seconds!\n");
$time = (scalar localtime);
print ("Attempting to restart the mud on $time...\n");
# Restart the mud #
else {
# We connected, but is it working properly? #
$readline = (&gl);
if ($readline =~ /$replyString/) {
# We found what we were looking for, so exit #
# properly. #
exit 1;
# After all those searches, we didn't find anything. The mud #
# must be locked up. Lets kill and restart it. #
print ("The connection was sucessful, but it doesn't seem to be responding\n");
$time = (scalar localtime);
print ("Attempting to restart the mud on $time...\n");
system("killall $exec");
# Subroutines #
sub connect_server {
# Connect to the server #
my ($iaddr, $paddr, $proto);
$iaddr = inet_aton ($server)
or die ("ERROR: No host: $server!\n");
$paddr = sockaddr_in ($port, $iaddr);
$proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
socket (SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto)
or die ("ERROR: Socket error $!\n");
alarm ($timeOut);
if (connect (SOCK, $paddr)) {;
alarm (0);
return 1;
else {
return 0;
sub disconnect_server {
# Disconnect from the server #
close (SOCK);
sub sl {
# Send a line #
my ($line)=@_;
print SOCK ("$line")
or die ("ERROR: Error writing to server: $!\n");
select SOCK;
select STDOUT;
sub gl {
# Get a line #
my ($buffer, @reply);
# (@reply) = split (/\s/, $buffer);
# return (@reply);
return ($buffer);
sub restart_mud {
# Restart the mud #
$timet = time();
chdir $startPath;
system ("$exec $port > $logdir/$timet.log 2>&1 &");
Developer of the Dawn of Time codebase | Top |
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