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Smaug Codebase with MXP question

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Posted by Moroj   (12 posts)  Bio
Date Mon 07 Aug 2017 05:52 PM (UTC)
I'm doing some building on a MUD that supposedly has MXP enabled. You even get the the following message after you login.

[INFO] MXP version 0.5 detected and enabled.

My questions is as a builder is there anything special that I have to include when building items, mobs, rooms, etc.. in order to have those items show up as links? I've looked through Nick's "How to add MXP support to your MUD server" and didn't see any information in there about having to do anything special while building. Is it possible that MXP support hasn't been fully enabled even though I'm being told it is?

Forgive me if this is stupid, I'm only asking because I'm ignorant and want to make sure it isn't something I'm doing or not doing.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Mon 07 Aug 2017 09:10 PM (UTC)
It's a reasonable question, but I suggest you ask the MUD admins. The MXP support basically means that the MUD can embed things like hyperlinks into output, and also "tag" some lines as chat, inventory, etc.

As for how you, as a builder, use it you would need to ask the admins (or coder/s) of the MUD. Standard stuff like mobs, if they are hyperlinked in one area should be automatically hyperlinked in another. Ditto for room names etc.

- Nick Gammon,

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