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➜ Converting mudlet mapping data map.dat
Converting mudlet mapping data map.dat
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Posted by
| Woodspiral
(11 posts) Bio
| Sat 17 Jul 2021 08:12 AM (UTC) |
| Hi,
This is a long shot, but has anyone had a go at either converting Mudlet's map.dat format into something the MUSH generic mapper can use, or has written an adapter in Lua for that file type to read it directly?
I admit I haven't delved into the gory details of Mudlet's format yet - I know its some kind of serialized binary, so it's a little piece of work to unserialize it then convert it to json or something lua can read.
The reason I ask is that I have a humoungous map with 1000's of rooms which would be great to read into the generic mapper.
Thank you,
Woody. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Sun 18 Jul 2021 03:39 AM (UTC) |
| Apparently there is a function to output a JSON format map file.
I don’t know what that format looks like, hopefully it is self-explanatory.
Once you have that you could load that into MUSHclient - it has a plugin that reads JSON.
The MUSHclient mapper does not, per se, have a file format. It expects the surrounding plugin to provide that. Some details here.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Woodspiral
(11 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Mon 19 Jul 2021 06:38 AM (UTC) |
| Most excellent, Nick, thank you!
That's a new Mudlet function, I'd not noticed it in their API before.
Now I've got a really good starting point for converting the mapping functions over.
Woody | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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