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Deletion of O directory necessary?

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Posted by Zune   (76 posts)  Bio
Date Fri 02 Sep 2005 02:46 PM (UTC)
My question is this: for any .c source file I edit, do I need to delete its corresponding .o object file in the /o directory before I compile?

Posted by Zeno   USA  (2,871 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Fri 02 Sep 2005 02:50 PM (UTC)
No, not unless you edited a header (*.h) file. If you did, you'll need to do a make clean, which will remove all *.o files and the exec.

Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy

Posted by Zune   (76 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Fri 02 Sep 2005 03:14 PM (UTC)
Great. Thanks. :)

Posted by David Haley   USA  (3,881 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Fri 02 Sep 2005 04:09 PM (UTC)
Even then, it depends... if your makefile generates dependency information, then everything will happen automatically. In a proper production environment, you never have to worry about the object files because everything is managed for you.

I don't know offhand if the SMAUGfuss makefiles handle dependencies; it's not incredibly hard to do and it's something that should be added if it's not there. I volunteer if need be. :-) (Here's to hoping Samson is lurking and reading this thread!)

David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone

Posted by Conner   USA  (381 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Fri 02 Sep 2005 08:45 PM (UTC)
ok, now you've piqued my curiousity.. you're saying that if I make a change to my make file I'll never need to bother with doing a make clean before I do a make after I change one of the header files again?

Here's my smaugfuss makefile (not exactly standard anymore as I've added a few things and made a minor change or two as well, but mostly the same as the one that's stock...)
CC      = gcc
#PROF    = -p

#Uncomment to compile in Cygwin

# Uncomment the two lines below if compiling on a Solaris box
#SOLARIS_LINK = -lnsl -lsocket

#Intermud-3 - Comment out to disable I3 support in your code
I3 = 1

#IMC2 - Comment out to disable IMC2 support
IMC = 1

W_FLAGS = -Wall -Wformat-security -Winline -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wredundant-decls -Wstrict-prototypes
# add this back into to above line after -Wall to revert to having all warnings reported as errors 
# including shadowed declarations: -Werror -Wshadow 

C_FLAGS = -O0 -g -g2 $(W_FLAGS) $(SOLARIS_FLAG) $(PROF) 

C_FILES = act_comm.c act_info.c act_move.c act_obj.c act_wiz.c alias.c ban.c boards.c \
          build.c clans.c color.c comm.c comments.c const.c db.c deity.c fight.c grub.c \
          handler.c hashstr.c hiscores.c hotboot.c imm_host.c interp.c magic.c makeobjs.c \
          mapout.c md5.c misc.c mpxset.c mud_comm.c mud_prog.c news.c planes.c player.c \
          polymorph.c ratings.c renumber.c reset.c save.c services.c shops.c skills.c \
          slay.c special.c tables.c track.c update.c wedding.c arena.c tattoo.c bank.c \

# immscore.c locker.c

ifdef I3
   C_FILES := i3.c $(C_FILES)

ifdef IMC
   C_FILES := imc.c $(C_FILES)

O_FILES := $(patsubst %.c,o/%.o,$(C_FILES))

H_FILES = $(wildcard *.h) 

	$(MAKE) -s smaug

ifdef CYGWIN
smaug: $(O_FILES)
	rm -f smaug.exe
	$(CC) -o smaug.exe $(O_FILES) $(L_FLAGS)
	echo "Done compiling mud.";
	chmod g+w smaug.exe
	chmod a+x smaug.exe
	chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

	rm -f o/*.o smaug.exe *~
smaug: $(O_FILES)
	rm -f smaug
	$(CC) -o smaug $(O_FILES) $(L_FLAGS)
	echo "Done compiling mud.";
	chmod g+w smaug
	chmod a+x smaug
	chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

	rm -f o/*.o smaug *~

o/%.o: %.c
	echo "  Compiling $@....";
	$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $< -o $@

.c.o: mud.h
	$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $<

What would I need to change to add this dependancy handling you mentioned?

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Posted by David Haley   USA  (3,881 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Fri 02 Sep 2005 09:01 PM (UTC)
That's correct. Having to do a make clean after editing a header file is silliness, really. Proper makefiles can be set up to only compile exactly what needs to be recompiled after a header change. Unfortunately, SMAUG sticks everything into mud.h, so savings are minimal, but still...

In any case, I haven't tested this with your makefile, but here's more or less what you need. I took this from my own makefile, and modified a few things to fit your setup. It's possible that I missed a few things, so be wary. :-)

Replace your o/%.o: %.cpp part with this:

DEPDIR = deps
df = $(DEPDIR)/$(*F)

o/%.o: %.cpp
    $(CC) -MD -c $(C_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
    @cp $*.d $(df).P; \
      sed -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^[^:]*: *//' -e 's/ *\$$//' \
          -e '/^$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' < $*.d >> $(df).P; \
      rm -f $*.d

-include $(O_FILES:o/%.o=$(DEPDIR)/%.P)

Finally, remove the .c.o: mud.h part.

Let me know how it goes, and good luck!

David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone

Posted by Samson   USA  (683 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #6 on Sat 03 Sep 2005 03:47 PM (UTC)
Isn't there supposed to be some way you can get gcc to do the work of generating the dependency info for you?

Posted by David Haley   USA  (3,881 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Sat 03 Sep 2005 06:08 PM (UTC)
That's exactly what this is doing; it has gcc generate the dependency information with the -MD flag and then outputs it to files, which are then included into the makefile.

David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone

Posted by Conner   USA  (381 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #8 on Sat 03 Sep 2005 07:34 PM (UTC)
So, after I've made the changes that you've suggested, I need to do one last make clean so that GCC will create all the dependancies so that afterwards I'll never need to do another make clean only make?

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or, if you just want information about either, check our web page at

Posted by halkeye   Canada  (28 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #9 on Sat 03 Sep 2005 10:42 PM (UTC)
all : $(EXECUTABLE) depend

# This is the actual dependency calculation.
.depend: $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
rm -f .depend
# For each source, let the compiler run the preprocessor with the -M and -MM
# options, which causes it to output a dependency suitable for make.

for source in $(SOURCES) ; do \
$(CC) $(INCLUDEDIR) $(CPPFLAGS) -M -MM $$source >> .depend ; \

# Include the generated dependencies.
# somehow this uses CXXFLAGS.. i donno how
ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),'')
include .depend

That works without alot of the sed stuff too.

Dark Warriors - Coder

Posted by halkeye   Canada  (28 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #10 on Sat 03 Sep 2005 11:00 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 03 Sep 2005 11:03 PM (UTC) by halkeye

Okay, I think I figured it out.
Here's my make file (sans alot of the lines that arn't needed)

CC      = g++

C_FLAGS = -g3 -g2 -W -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -pedantic $(DEFINES) $(PROF) $(IMCFLAGS) $(NOCRYPT) $(DBUGFLG) $(DEBUG) $(DLLEXP)
W_FLAGS = -pedantic -W -Wall -Wformat-security -Winline -Wstrict-prototypes -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wcast-qual -Wredundant-decls
D_FLAGS = -g3

C_FILES = body.c account.c act_comm.c act_html.c act_info.c act_move.c act_obj.c \
          act_wiz.c alias.c arena.c autobuild.c backup.c ban.c \
          boards.c bounty.c build.c changes.c channels.c clans.c cleanup.c color.c comm.c \
          comments.c const.c db.c delivery.c designship.c dns.c editor.c \
          fight.c finger.c handler.c hashstr.c homes.c hotboot.c immcomm.c \
          implants.c installations.c interp.c magic.c makeobjs.c mccp.c \
          medic.c misc.c msp.c mud_comm.c mud_prog.c mxp.c occupations.c \
          olc-shuttle.c olc.c pfiles.c pilot.c player.c quest.c raceskills.c \
          renumber.c reset.c restore.c save.c sharpen.c shell.c shops.c \
          skills.c smuggling.c space.c space2.c special.c swskills.c \
          tables.c track.c update.c vendor.c wedding.c bank.c combat.c \

O_FILES = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(C_FILES))

H_FILES = $(wildcard *.h)

all: depend
        make -s swr

        make -s resolver

swr: $(O_FILES)
        @echo "Making Executable"
        @rm -f swr
ifdef WIN
        @dlltool --export-all --output-def swr.def $(O_FILES)
        @dlltool --dllname $(SWR) --output-exp swr.exp --def swr.def
        @$(CC)  $(W_FLAGS) -o $(SWR) $(O_FILES) swr.exp $(L_FLAGS)
        @$(CC)  $(DLLEXP) $(W_FLAGS) -o $(SWR) $(O_FILES) $(L_FLAGS)
        @[ -f /usr/bin/bf ] && /usr/bin/bf -s swr && /usr/bin/bf -m swr || true
        @chmod g+w $(SWR)
        @chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

        @echo "Updating from CVS"
        @cvs update

        @echo Cleaning Files
        @rm -f $(O_FILES)

        @echo Making Depend
        @rm -f .depend
# For each source, let the compiler run the preprocessor with the -M and -MM
# options, which causes it to output a dependency suitable for make.
        @for source in $(C_FILES) ; do \
                $(CC) $(INCLUDEDIR) $(C_FLAGS) -M -MM $$source >> .depend ; \


# include the .depend file which looks like
# body.o: body.c mud.h commands.h grid.h shell.h pfiles.h installations.h \
#   space2.h autobuild.h color.h hotboot.h implants.h olc.h dns.h imc.h \
#     imccfg.h utils.h body.h
ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),'')
include .depend

# Actual compiling is done here
# for each of the .o targets in .depend
%.o: %.c
        @echo -n "  Compiling $@...";
        $(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $< -o $@
        @echo "Done"

.c.o: mud.h
        @$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $<

# Tell make that "all" etc. are phony targets, i.e. they should not be confused
# with files of the same names.
.PHONY: all clean depend realclean touch neat tarball bzip

Dark Warriors - Coder

Posted by Conner   USA  (381 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #11 on Sun 04 Sep 2005 12:01 AM (UTC)
um, I must have done something wrong...
I tried to do what you've got up there and then got:
$ make
make -s smaug
$ make depend
make: Nothing to be done for `depend'.
$ make clean
rm -f o/*.o smaug *~
$ make
make -s smaug
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `o/imc.o', needed by `smaug'. Stop.
make: *** [all] Error 2

Here's my modified makefile:
CC      = gcc
#PROF    = -p

#Uncomment to compile in Cygwin

# Uncomment the two lines below if compiling on a Solaris box
#SOLARIS_LINK = -lnsl -lsocket

#Intermud-3 - Comment out to disable I3 support in your code
I3 = 1

#IMC2 - Comment out to disable IMC2 support
IMC = 1

W_FLAGS = -Wall -Wformat-security -Winline -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wredundant-decls -Wstrict-prototypes
# add this back into to above line after -Wall to revert to having all warnings reported as errors 
# including shadowed declarations: -Werror -Wshadow 

C_FLAGS = -O0 -g -g2 $(W_FLAGS) $(SOLARIS_FLAG) $(PROF) 

C_FILES = act_comm.c act_info.c act_move.c act_obj.c act_wiz.c alias.c ban.c boards.c \
          build.c clans.c color.c comm.c comments.c const.c db.c deity.c fight.c grub.c \
          handler.c hashstr.c hiscores.c hotboot.c imm_host.c interp.c magic.c makeobjs.c \
          mapout.c md5.c misc.c mpxset.c mud_comm.c mud_prog.c news.c planes.c player.c \
          polymorph.c ratings.c renumber.c reset.c save.c services.c shops.c skills.c \
          slay.c special.c tables.c track.c update.c wedding.c arena.c tattoo.c bank.c \

# immscore.c locker.c

ifdef I3
   C_FILES := i3.c $(C_FILES)

ifdef IMC
   C_FILES := imc.c $(C_FILES)

O_FILES := $(patsubst %.c,o/%.o,$(C_FILES))

H_FILES = $(wildcard *.h) 

all: depend
	$(MAKE) -s smaug

ifdef CYGWIN
smaug: $(O_FILES)
	rm -f smaug.exe
	$(CC) -o smaug.exe $(O_FILES) $(L_FLAGS)
	echo "Done compiling mud.";
	chmod g+w smaug.exe
	chmod a+x smaug.exe
	chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

	rm -f o/*.o smaug.exe *~
smaug: $(O_FILES)
	rm -f smaug
	$(CC) -o smaug $(O_FILES) $(L_FLAGS)
	echo "Done compiling mud.";
	chmod g+w smaug
	chmod a+x smaug
	chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

	cvs update

	rm -f o/*.o smaug *~

	rm -f .depend
	for source in $(C_FILES) ; do \
		$(CC) $(INCLUDEDIR) $(C_FLAGS) -M -MM $$source >> .depend ; \

#o/%.o: %.c
	echo "  Compiling $@....";
	$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $< -o $@

#.c.o: mud.h
	$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $<

# Tell make that "all" etc. are phony targets, i.e. they should not be confused
# with files of the same names.
.PHONY: all clean depend
I hope someone can maybe see what I've done wrong here. :(

Come test your mettle in the Land of Legends at telnet://
or, for a little family oriented medieval fun, come join us at The Castle's Dungeon BBS at telnet://
or, if you just want information about either, check our web page at

Posted by Samson   USA  (683 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #12 on Sun 04 Sep 2005 12:45 AM (UTC)
Ok... evil forum code... one more time:

My Makefile:

#This is the AFKMud Makefile.
#This should be usable on pretty much any Linux system.
#Refer to your 'man gcc' for explanations of these options
#To compile in FreeBSD or OpenBSD, use the gmake compiler.

#Used for Alsherok stuff, uncommenting it should have no affect, though why would you want to?

#Change this to reflect whichever compiler you want to use.
CC      = g++

#Type of machine to compile for. Athlon works just as well on Duron too.
#The march option needs to match the general family of CPU.
#If you don't know what to set for these options, and your system administrator doesn't either, comment this line out
MACHINE = -march=athlon-xp

#Uncomment if compiling in Windows under Cygwin

# Uncomment the two lines below if compiling on a Solaris box
#SOLARIS_FLAG = -Dsun -DSYSV -Wno-char-subscripts
#SOLARIS_LINK = -lnsl -lsocket -lresolv

#Uncomment the line below if you are getting undefined references to dlsym, dlopen, and dlclose.
#Comment it out if you get errors about ldl not being found.
NEED_DL = -ldl

#Some systems need this for dynamic linking to work.
EXPORT_SYMBOLS = -export-dynamic

#Math functions - uncomment if you get errors or warnings about math functions.
MATH_LIB = -lm

#IMC2 - Comment out to disable IMC2 support
IMC = 1

#Internal Web Server - comment out to disable web server code.
WEB = 1

#Multiport support. Comment out to disable this feature.

#Miscellaneous compiler options.
OPT_FLAG = -pipe -Os

W_FLAGS = -Wall -Werror -Wformat-security -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wcast-qual -Wredundant-decls #-pedantic

#D_FLAGS : For the DNS Resolver process. No need in linking all the extra libs for this.

C_FILES = act_comm.c act_info.c act_move.c act_obj.c act_wiz.c \
          archery.c area.c areaconvert.c auction.c ban.c bits.c boards.c \
          build.c calendar.c channels.c character.c clans.c color.c \
          comm.c commands.c comments.c connhist.c const.c db.c deity.c descriptor.c \
          editor.c environment.c event.c event_handler.c features.c \
          fight.c finger.c handler.c hashstr.c help.c hotboot.c iafk.c \
          idale.c imm_host.c interface.c ismaug.c liquids.c magic.c md5.c \
          misc.c mobindex.c mspecial.c mudcfg.c mud_comm.c mud_prog.c \
          new_auth.c object.c objindex.c olcmob.c olcobj.c olcroom.c overland.c \
          pfiles.c player.c polymorph.c rent.c renumber.c reset.c \
          roomindex.c save.c ships.c shops.c skills.c skyship.c slay.c \
          tables.c track.c treasure.c update.c

ifdef WEB
   C_FILES := websvr.c $(C_FILES)

ifdef IMC
   C_FILES := imc.c $(C_FILES)

#Our specific stuff, see to it this stays out of the AFKMud Makefile!
#And anyone outside of Alsherok who sees this will get errors.
#If this happens, Samson wasn't paying attention to what he was doing.
   C_FILES := apc.c $(C_FILES)

   C_FILES := shell.c $(C_FILES)
   #Sorry folks, this doesn't work in Cygwin
   ifndef WINDOZE
      C_FILES := mudmsg.c $(C_FILES)

O_FILES := $(patsubst %.c,o/%.o,$(C_FILES))

H_FILES = $(wildcard *.h)

   AFKMUD = afkmud.exe
   RESOLVER = resolver.exe
   AFKMUD = afkmud
   RESOLVER = resolver

all: .depend
	@echo "Building AFKMud....";
	$(MAKE) -s afkmud
	@echo "Buidling DNS Resolver...";
	$(MAKE) -s resolver

afkmud: $(O_FILES)
	@rm -f $(AFKMUD)
	@dlltool --export-all --output-def afkmud.def $(O_FILES)
	@dlltool --dllname $(AFKMUD) --output-exp afkmud.exp --def afkmud.def
	$(CC) -o $(AFKMUD) $(O_FILES) afkmud.exp $(L_FLAGS)
	$(CC) -o $(AFKMUD) $(O_FILES) $(L_FLAGS)
	@echo "Done building AFKMud.";
	@chmod g+w $(AFKMUD)
	@chmod a+x $(AFKMUD)
	@chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

	@indent -ts3 -nut -nsaf -nsai -nsaw -npcs -npsl -ncs -nbc -bls -prs -bap -cbi0 -cli3 -bli0 -l125 -lp -i3 -cdb -c1 -cd1 -sc -pmt $(C_FILES) resolver.c
	@indent -ts3 -nut -nsaf -nsai -nsaw -npcs -npsl -ncs -nbc -bls -prs -bap -cbi0 -cli3 -bli0 -l125 -lp -i3 -cdb -c1 -cd1 -sc -pmt $(H_FILES)

	@rm *.c~ *.h~

resolver: resolver.o
	@rm -f $(RESOLVER) 
	$(CC) $(D_FLAGS) -o $(RESOLVER) resolver.o
	@echo "Done buidling DNS Resolver.";
	@chmod g+w $(RESOLVER)
	@chmod a+x $(RESOLVER)
	@chmod g+w resolver.o

	@rm -f o/*.o $(AFKMUD) afkmud.def afkmud.exp core $(RESOLVER) resolver.o
	$(MAKE) all
	@rm -f o/*.o $(AFKMUD) afkmud.def afkmud.exp core $(RESOLVER) resolver.o

#For each source, let the compiler run the preprocessor with the -M and -MM
#options, which causes it to output a dependency suitable for make.
	@echo Making Depend
	@rm -f .depend
	@for source in $(C_FILES) ; do \
		$(CC) $(INCLUDEDIR) $(C_FLAGS) -M -MM $$source >> .depend ; \

o/%.o: %.c
	ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),'')
		include .depend
	@echo "  Compiling $@....";
	$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $< -o $@

.c.o: mud.h
	$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $<

Posted by Samson   USA  (683 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #13 on Sun 04 Sep 2005 12:47 AM (UTC)
Anyway.... since for some reason 6000 chars is too much.....


mudmsg.o: mudmsg.c mud.h mudcfg.h color.h olc.h character.h object.h \
  channels.h roomindex.h
shell.o: shell.c mud.h mudcfg.h color.h olc.h character.h object.h \
  clans.h commands.h descriptor.h shell.h
apc.o: apc.c mud.h mudcfg.h color.h olc.h character.h object.h apc.h
imc.o: imc.c mud.h mudcfg.h color.h olc.h character.h object.h commands.h \
  descriptor.h imc.h imccfg.h md5.h roomindex.h web.h
websvr.o: websvr.c mud.h mudcfg.h color.h olc.h character.h object.h \
  area.h help.h imc.h imccfg.h roomindex.h web.h
act_comm.o: act_comm.c mud.h mudcfg.h color.h olc.h character.h object.h \
  boards.h descriptor.h language.h mobindex.h mud_prog.h objindex.h \
  polymorph.h raceclass.h roomindex.h
act_info.o: act_info.c mud.h mudcfg.h color.h olc.h character.h object.h \
  area.h clans.h descriptor.h fight.h liquids.h mobindex.h mud_prog.h \
  objindex.h overland.h pfiles.h polymorph.h raceclass.h roomindex.h

Posted by Conner   USA  (381 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #14 on Sun 04 Sep 2005 12:48 AM (UTC)
ok, here's my .depend file:

imc.o: imc.c md5.h mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
i3.o: i3.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h imc.h \
imccfg.h bank.h
act_comm.o: act_comm.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h \
i3cfg.h imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
act_info.o: act_info.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h \
i3cfg.h imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
act_move.o: act_move.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h \
i3cfg.h imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
act_obj.o: act_obj.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h bet.h
act_wiz.o: act_wiz.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
alias.o: alias.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
ban.o: ban.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h imc.h \
imccfg.h bank.h
boards.o: boards.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
build.o: build.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
clans.o: clans.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
color.o: color.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
comm.o: comm.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h imc.h \
imccfg.h bank.h md5.h
comments.o: comments.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h \
i3cfg.h imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
const.o: const.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
db.o: db.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h imc.h \
imccfg.h bank.h
deity.o: deity.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
fight.o: fight.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
grub.o: grub.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h imc.h \
imccfg.h bank.h
handler.o: handler.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
hashstr.o: hashstr.c
hiscores.o: hiscores.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h \
i3cfg.h imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
hotboot.o: hotboot.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
imm_host.o: imm_host.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h \
i3cfg.h imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
interp.o: interp.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
magic.o: magic.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
makeobjs.o: makeobjs.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h \
i3cfg.h imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
mapout.o: mapout.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
md5.o: md5.c md5.h
misc.o: misc.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h imc.h \
imccfg.h bank.h
mpxset.o: mpxset.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
mud_comm.o: mud_comm.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h \
i3cfg.h imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
mud_prog.o: mud_prog.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h \
i3cfg.h imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
news.o: news.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h imc.h \
imccfg.h bank.h news.h
planes.o: planes.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
player.o: player.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
polymorph.o: polymorph.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h \
i3cfg.h imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
ratings.o: ratings.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
renumber.o: renumber.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h \
i3cfg.h imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
reset.o: reset.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
save.o: save.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h imc.h \
imccfg.h bank.h
services.o: services.c
shops.o: shops.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
skills.o: skills.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
slay.o: slay.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h imc.h \
imccfg.h bank.h
special.o: special.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
tables.o: tables.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
track.o: track.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
update.o: update.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
wedding.o: wedding.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
arena.o: arena.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
tattoo.o: tattoo.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h
bank.o: bank.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h imc.h \
imccfg.h bank.h
quest.o: quest.c mud.h alias.h slay.h color.h hotboot.h i3.h i3cfg.h \
imc.h imccfg.h bank.h

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