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Posted by Samson   USA  (683 posts)  Bio
Date Sun 25 Nov 2007 10:37 PM (UTC)
Attention Smaug Enthusiasts!

The new site is officially open. The intention of the expanded site is to become a more generalized Smaug resource site for Smaug MUD admins, developers, builders, and players. With this effort we hope that more interest will be generated for Smaug and that the combine membership of the former AFKMud and SmaugFUSS sites will be able to interact more productively instead of splitting their time across two sites. We welcome anyone who has an interest in the Smaug family of codebases to join and bring their knowledge and experiences to the table.

The site covers Smaug, SWR, SWFOTE, AFKMud, and any other Smaug derivative you might be interested in. We have an extensive list of bugfixes for each of these codebases as well as a sizable collection of Smaug related areas, codebases, and snippets. So come on by, join the fun, and lets build the best Smaug resource site possible.

Any outstanding links to either the domain or the domain will need to be updated to point to the domain. - - The Smaug MUDs Community Center

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