Script function
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List defined accelerators
VARIANT AcceleratorList();
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Returns an array of all the accelerator keys currently defined, in the format:
keystroke = text<tab>[sendto]
Ctrl+E = eat meat<tab>[0]
Ctrl+F = follow
Ctrl+K = 4s 3e<tab>[11]
Ctrl+B = DoAfter(5, "sigh")<tab>[12]
If the "send to" field is "send to execute" (which is 10) then it is omitted (as in the "follow" example above), for backwards compatibility with versions of MUSHclient prior to 4.27.
Version 4.27 implemented the AcceleratorTo function, which lets you specify where the accelerator text is sent to.
If "send to" field is not 10 then the "send to" field number is specified as a number in square brackets at the end of the text, preceded by the tab character (hex 0x09).
The "SendTo" argument specifies where the text is to be sent to when you press the accelerator key. It can be one of:
0: World
1: Command window
2: Output window
3: Status line
4: Notepad (new)
5: Notepad (append)
6: Log File
7: Notepad (replace)
8: Command queue
9: Send To Variable
10: Execute (re-parse as command)
11: Speedwalk (send text is speedwalk, queue it)
12: Script (send to script engine)
13: Immediate (send to world in front of speedwalk queue)
14: Script - after omit (send to script engine, after lines have been omitted)
Available in MUSHclient version 3.53 onwards.
VBscript example
dim accList
arrList = world.AcceleratorList
If Not IsEmpty (accList) Then
For Each a In arrList
world.note a
End If
Lua example
-- simple example
for _, v in pairs (AcceleratorList ()) do
Note (v)
-- complex example - filters on a supplied string
function FindCommand (what)
-- search all accelerators for wanted string
for _, v in pairs (AcceleratorList ()) do
if string.find (string.upper (v), string.upper (what), 1, true) then
print (v)
end -- if
end -- for
end -- function
FindCommand "eat"
-- example of extracting out the keystroke, what is sent, and where it is sent:
accels = AcceleratorList ()
if accels then
for _, v in ipairs (accels) do
local keystroke, what, where = string.match (v, "^(%S+) = (.*)%[(%d-)%]$")
if where then
where = tonumber (where)
keystroke, what = string.match (v, "^(%S+) = (.*)$")
where = sendto.execute
end -- if
print ("keystroke =", keystroke)
print ("what =", what)
print ("where =", where)
end -- for
end -- if
-- another example that turns the result into an easier-to-use table:
local accels = AcceleratorList ()
local taccels = {}
if accels then
for _, v in ipairs (accels) do
local keystroke, what, where = string.match (v, "^(%S+) = (.*)%[(%d-)%]$")
if where then
where = tonumber (where)
keystroke, what = string.match (v, "^(%S+) = (.*)$")
where = sendto.execute
end -- if
taccels [keystroke] = { send = what, where = where }
end -- for
end -- if
tprint (taccels)
Lua notes
The example above shows how you might search for accelerators matching a particular string.
The latter examples shows extracting out the original keystroke, send text, and where it is sent.
Note that the accelerator list is numerically keyed, not keyed by the keystroke.
Return value
If there are no accelerators defined then the return value is empty. Use "IsEmpty" to test for this possibility.
Otherwise, it returns a variant array containing the keystrokes and contents of each accelerator.
Use "lbound" and "ubound" to find the bounds of the array of list (ie. the number of accelerators in the list).
See Also ...
Keypad navigation
Macro keys
(Accelerator) Add or modify an accelerator key (keystroke to command mapping)
(AcceleratorTo) Add or modify an accelerator key - with "Send To" parameter
(Help topic: function=AcceleratorList)