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Gets the list of open notepads - returning their titles


VARIANT GetNotepadList(boolean All);

View list of data type meanings


Returns a variant array which is a list of all open notepad windows.

If more than one notepad has the same title you may get duplicates.

If the argument (All) is true, then all notepad windows for the MUSHclient application are returned.

If the argument is false, then only "related" notepads for the current world are returned. Related notepads are those created from the world (eg. by AppendToNotepad), and are not ones manually created (eg. by the player).

Note that most notepad-related functions only apply to related notepads - that is, ones that "belong" to the world calling them.

Available in MUSHclient version 4.08 onwards.

VBscript example

for each name in world.GetNotepadList
  world.Note name

Jscript example

notepadlist = new VBArray(world.GetNotepadList()).toArray();

if (notepadlist )  // if not empty
 for (i = 0; i < notepadlist.length; i++)
   world.note(notepadlist [i]);

PerlScript example

foreach $item (Win32::OLE::in ($world->GetNotepadList))

Python example

notepadlist = world.GetNotepadList
if (notepadlist):
  for w in notepadlist : world.Note (w)

Lua example

for k, v in pairs (GetNotepadList()) do 
  Note (v) 

Lua notes

The argument "All" is optional, and defaults to false.

Return value

If there are no notepads open then the return value is empty. Use "IsEmpty" to test for this possibility.

Otherwise, it returns a variant array containing the titles of all the notepads. Use "ubound" to find the number of notepads in the list.

See Also ...




(ActivateNotepad) Activates a notepad window
(AppendToNotepad) Appends text to a notepad window
(CloseNotepad) Closes a notepad window
(GetNotepadLength) Gets the length of the text in a notepad window
(GetNotepadText) Gets the text from a notepad window
(MoveNotepadWindow) Move and resize the specified notepad window
(NotepadColour) Changes the text and background colour of the selected notepad window
(NotepadFont) Changes the font and style of the selected notepad window
(NotepadReadOnly) Make a selected notepad window read-only
(NotepadSaveMethod) Changes the save method for this notepad window
(ReplaceNotepad) Replaces text in a notepad window
(SaveNotepad) Saves a notepad window to disk
(SendToNotepad) Creates a notepad and sends text to it

(Help topic: function=GetNotepadList)

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