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Script function


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Sends a message to the MUD and logs it


long LogSend(BSTR Message);

View list of data type meanings


This sends the specified text to the world. It is like typing it into the command window.

The message text is also logged to the current log file, if one is open.

The data in the log file may not appear immediately if you view it in another application. To force the data to disk use the FlushLog function.

Available in MUSHclient version 3.25 onwards.

VBscript example

world.logsend "go north"

Jscript example

world.LogSend("go north");

PerlScript example

$world->LogSend("go north");

Python example

world.LogSend("go north")

Lua example

go north
eat food
drink water

Lua notes

You can supply multiple arguments, which are concatenated together.

Return value

eWorldClosed : The world is closed
eItemInUse : Cannot be called from within OnPluginSent script callback
eOK: Sent OK

View list of return code meanings

See Also ...




(CloseLog) Closes the log file
(FlushLog) Flushes the log file to disk
(IsLogOpen) Tests to see if a log file is open
(LogInput) The property of whether commands are logged to the log file
(LogNotes) The property of whether notes are logged to the log file
(LogOutput) The property of whether MUD output is logged to the log file
(Note) Sends a note to the output window
(OpenLog) Opens a log file.
(Send) Sends a message to the MUD
(WriteLog) Writes to the log file

(Help topic: function=LogSend)

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