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Removes backtracks from a speed walk string


BSTR RemoveBacktracks(BSTR Path);

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This takes a speedwalk as an argument and removes any backtracks from it.

For example: "4n 2s" would be converted to "2n".

A side-effect of this routine is that comments will be removed from speedwalks, and "reverse direction hints" will also be removed. eg. "(open door/close door) {comment}" would be converted to "(open door)".

It will also join directions where possible, eg. "n n n" would become "3n"

Available in MUSHclient version 3.48 onwards.

VBscript example

world.note world.RemoveBacktracks("4n 2s")

Jscript example

world.note(world.RemoveBacktracks("4n 2s"));

PerlScript example

$world->note($world->RemoveBacktracks("4n 2s"));

Python example

world.note(world.RemoveBacktracks("4n 2s"))

Lua example

Note(RemoveBacktracks("4n 2s"))

Return value

The supplied string, with the backtracks removed as described above.
If there is an error in the speed walk string then the first character of the returned string will be an asterisk ("*"), and the rest will be an English error message.

See Also ...


Getting started
Speed walking


(EvaluateSpeedwalk) Evaluates a speed walk string
(ReverseSpeedwalk) Reverses a speed walk string
(SpeedWalkDelay) The number of milliseconds delay between speed walk commands

(Help topic: function=RemoveBacktracks)

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