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Sets value of a named world alphanumeric option


long SetAlphaOption(BSTR OptionName, BSTR Value);

View list of data type meanings


Sets the value of a world alphanumeric (string) option.

You can use GetAlphaOptionList to get a list of the names of all possible options.

Use SetOption to set numeric and boolean options.

Available in MUSHclient version 3.22 onwards.

VBscript example

world.setalphaoption "player", "Gandalf"

Jscript example

world.setalphaoption ("player", "Gandalf");

PerlScript example

$world->setalphaoption ("player", "Gandalf");

Python example

world.setalphaoption ("player", "Gandalf")

Lua example

SetAlphaOption ("player", "Gandalf")

Return value

eUnknownOption - option name not recognised
eOK - set OK

View list of return code meanings

See Also ...


Option setting and retrieval


(GetAlphaOption) Gets the value of an alphanumeric configuration option
(GetAlphaOptionList) Gets the list of world alphanumeric options
(GetCurrentValue) Gets the current value of a named world option
(GetDefaultValue) Gets the default value of a named world option
(GetGlobalOption) Gets the value of a global configuration option
(GetGlobalOptionList) Gets the list of global options
(GetInfo) Gets information about the current world
(GetLoadedValue) Gets value of a named world option, as loaded from the world file
(GetOption) Gets value of a named world option
(GetOptionList) Gets the list of world options
(SetInputFont) Sets the font for the input window
(SetOption) Sets value of a named world option
(SetOutputFont) Sets the font for the output window.

(Help topic: function=SetAlphaOption)

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