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SMAUG server FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about SMAUG server.

Summary How do my friends connect to the server?
Question How do my friends connect to the server? What IP address do they use?

They will need to know your machine name or TCP/IP address. To find your TCP/IP address:

  • Windows 95/98: In an "MS-DOS Prompt" window, type WINIPCFG. Your address is on the line marked "IP Address".
  • Windows NT/2000: In a "Command Prompt" window, type IPCONFIG. Your address is on the line marked "IP Address".

Your friends can connect to this address, port 4000. Be careful that if you have a dial-up connection, your TCP/IP address may change each time you dial up. Also, some networks use dynamic IP address allocation, so you may get a different IP address every time you boot the machine. If possible, use your machine name in those cases, which should not change as often.

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