This shows a misspelt word during the spell-check process.
This is the word currently being considered. You can edit it in this box and click "Change" to change it to another word - that is, make a manual correction.
This is a list of suggested spellings, based on the "sound" of the original word, arranged in alphabetic order. Choose one and click the "Change" button to accept the suggestion. Or, double-click a suggested word.
Ignore the misspelt word once.
Ignore All
Ignore this word this time, and all future times, in this spell-check operation.
To ignore a word forever, click "Add" instead.
Adds this word to the "user" dictionary, so it is always considered correctly spelt.
Change to the word you typed into the edit box, or the currently-selected suggested spelling.
Change All
If you have corrected the word, change all instances of the original spelling, to the new spelling.
Cancel the spell-check operation.
See Also ...
Spell checker
(SpellCheck) Spell checks the command in the command window
Global preferences - general options
(AddSpellCheckWord) Adds a word to the user spell check dictionary
(SpellCheck) Spell checks an arbitrary string of text
(SpellCheckCommand) Spell checks the text in the command window
(SpellCheckDlg) Spell checks an arbitrary string of text, invloking the spell-checker dialog
(Help topic: dialog=IDD_SPELLCHECK_DIALOG)